The Eversley Cross SANG site has secured a formal change of use to SANG in consultation with Natural England (Hart Council application reference 20/02308/FUL approved via planning appeal on 15th October 2021). The 16 hectare site is located between the settlements of Eversley Cross (to the west) and Yateley (to the east), and is within the administrative area of Hart District Council. The site is to the east of Marsh Lane (B3016) and south of Eversley Road (B3272). Currently the access to the site is at the north western corner abutting Marsh Lane and Eversley Road. However, a new principal vehicular access will be formed off Eversley Road (B3272) serving a small car park and cycle parking facility. The SANG is subject to a detailed schedule of design and planting requirements including the laying-out of a 2.3km circular walk, information signs, benches, dog-waste bins, secure fencing, tree and shrub planting and onward management. Details of the approved SANG layout scheme are found in this webpage. The site is not subject to any statutory site-specific designations and there no other buildings on the site. A small area of the site along the western boundary is located within Flood Zone 3 as designated by the Environment Agency. However, the SANG use is not a sensitive one regarding flood risk.
Being 16 hectares in size with a car park, the Eversley Cross SANG will provide SANG mitigation to new housing development within a 4 kilometre radius when measured from the sites’ outer boundaries. The Eversley Cross SANG delivers sufficient amenity space to deliver mitigation for the occupants of up to 800 new dwellings.
Hart and the surrounding Boroughs of Wokingham, Bracknell Forest and Surrey Heath all contain areas impacted by the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (‘TBHSPA’). These are areas of lowland heathland which is home to three important bird species and protected by international law. The heaths, and the ground nesting birds that nest and breed there, are easily disturbed by people and their pets. The site is located in proximity to the Thames Basin Heaths SPA, as shown in the above contextual plan.
If you require SANG credits for the delivery of your development please get in touch.